Visions for Children e.V. (VR 19134) is exempt from corporate income tax according to §5 para. 1 No. 9 KStG and from trade tax according to §3 No. 6 GewStG based on the notice of exemption dated 30.05.2017 from the tax office Hamburg Nord, because it exclusively and directly serves tax-privileged charitable purposes in terms of §§51 ff. A0. Visions for Children e.V. is registered at the tax office Hamburg Nord with the tax number 17/452/12693.
The purpose of Visions for Children e.V. is to facilitate and improve development cooperation, education and youth aid. Through the acquisition of donations (in form of cash, materials or work), 1,466,909.79 € could be raised in 2021 to realize the charitable projects abroad. The complete annual reports of the last years can be found here.
Visions for Children e.V. currently has two full-time employees, six part-time employees, one student worker and one intern. All employees are also members of the association and belong to the 44 active members of the association. In addition, the association has 654 supporting members (as of March 2022).
All income of Visions for Children e.V. can be considered non-material. Income is not generated by special-purpose operations, economic business operations or through assets. The assets at the beginning of the fiscal year 2021 amounted to 349,670.28 € and at the end to 1,030,035.24 €.
Visions for Children e. V. is not affiliated with any third party under company law.
Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Bonn