Zeina Nassar

Zeina Nassar


“Education is the first step to independence, to master one’s life and to provide for oneself and one’s family. That is why I want to inspire hope in children with my commitment”.

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Wana Limar

Wana Limar

Video Creator

“Education teaches us means and ways to take control of our lives. It makes us independent and shows us how much we all depend on each other and how important mutual help is.”

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Lena Meyer-Landrut



“I think this is a great project with lots and lots of heart. It is about your own roots and about implementing something in the places where you know that something is needed.”



Music Producer

“I believe that in smaller organizations, people work with more heart. To be honest, I can’t think of any excuse not to donate money. As an overprivileged, lucky fellow, I think it would be presumptuous not to give anything back.”

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“Without education I wouldn’t be where I am now. I am socially active without even thinking about it too much. I now know the people from Visions for Children e.V. personally, and I think that the money is in good hands with them.”

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Usama Elyas

Usama Elyas


“I prefer small associations that I trust. I immediately think: they surely don’t spend half of their donations on administration, as is the case with the big ones. Positive prejudice, in other words.”

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